Posts Tagged ‘regulation’

Economic Stimulation

March 1, 2009

History has shown us that liberal governmental economic policy does not help the economy (the New Deal, Jimmy Carter). Well, let’s see what it was that they did.

Conservatism was weak in the 1920s and panic lead the nation from recession to depression.

The New Deal (which extended the Great Depression  years) created government jobs, taxed the rich, and tryed to control the economy through central economic planning. He ended the gold standard, forever inflating the dollar. He set minimum wages and prevented people from working more than so many hours a week. He also created the now infamous Fannie Mae.

The result of the New Deal was… nothing. The unemployment rate lurched between 13%. and 24% until WWII.

Carter, on the other hand, tried to control the free market indirectly. He cut imports on foreign oil. His attempts to control the United States energy resulted in the still-remembered fuel-shortages. Carter essentially ruined the economy.

Reagan, on the other hand was successful at economic recovery. With large tax cuts and deregulation, he brought down inflation and unemployment.

History seems to speak against Obama, whose policies (government jobs and central economic planning, as well as regulation) resemble Roosevelt’s and Carter’s. Their policies failed.

As George Santayana once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”