Posts Tagged ‘business’

Inflationary Stimulus

March 26, 2009

According the the Federal Reserve Board, the federal government has nearly quadrupled the money flowing through our economy in the last five months…

While in the short term programs and people can pay down their debts, in the long term price inflation is expected to reach the double digits according to Dick Morris. What does this mean? Well, all those who were saving their money for harder times will see the value of their savings drop quickly. Further, interest rates will rise, making it harder to get a loan and start a business.

So, with diminishing savings and a halt in entrepreneurship, what can we see happening soon? Well, nothing good.

Too Late Now.

February 14, 2009

Well, the pork pack passed the senate last night.

Obama will sign the bill in two days.

It is important to point a few things out:

Not one bit of it will permanently help the economy. Parts will not take effect for years. Most of it directs federal money to construction, which of course dumps money into the construction industry, creating  jobs. But these jobs are only temporary. And afterward, we have a bankrupt nation and a bunch of beautiful empty buildings.

When we divide the 789,000,000,000 dollar pork pack between the 15,000,000+ doctors, lawyers, and businessmen that compose the top 5% income group in our country,we notice something: This pork alone costs 1 out of 20 people $52,600 dollars. And this is only the first step. We need to remember that this $52,600 is coming from people that make as little as $250,000 a year. Many of these people are already having trouble paying their mortgage and keeping their business alive.

So, comrades, even though this isn’t directly hurting you and you can now enjoy an extra $8-13 a week, remember: more jobs are going to be cut. Inflation will skyrocket.

But don’t worry. Change is coming.