Posts Tagged ‘environment’

Earth Day Irony

April 23, 2009

Earth Day was established in 1970 to raise awareness and to combat the cooling trends that would eventually lead to the next ice age. Such an ice age would have been caused by pollution and result in the growth of glaciers that would eventually cover the earth.

Forty years later, with a warming trend, science has changed its mind. Suddenly, we are on the verge of some global warming that would have similar problems. Apparently, when there is a trend of warming, we are to expect that to continue indefinitely. Further, it is also man’s fault.

Well, the alarmists have always made similar arguments: whether it was overpopulation, global warming, global freezing, global flooding, or nuclear fallout, they all have similarities.

  1. Long term consequences
  2. Caused by man
  3. Man must take immediate corrective action
  4. That action involves government

Indeed, it is necessary to analyze the aspects of such alarmism. First, most alarmism is based off of a false assumption. For example, the assumption that population will continue to increase forever if government does not interve is false. As civilizations get more advanced, the populations naturally start to produce less children and the birthrates decrease. We have seen this in many European countries, Italy in particular.

The false assumption that triggers such feelings about global warming are the beliefs that carbon dioxide has a significant greenhouse effect and that man contributes a significant amount of carbon dioxide. While man produces billions of tons of carbon dioxide, leading to an anual temperature increase of about 0.009 degress Celcius a year, a single volcanic eruption can change the world climate by 0.5 degrees Celcius. Volcanic eruptions produce a vast quantity of greenhouse gasses.

Greens will go to extremes to curb the advancement of mankind.

A Call to Revolution

February 11, 2009

The last revolution happened over two hundred years ago. A government was set up with a weak central government that recieved all of its income from tariffs. There was no income tax. There were no regulations.

Throughout the years since then, our nation has expanded the purpose of government, indebted us privately and publicly, and instituted regulations on the liberty of our citizens.

Year after year, we have put up with this, but no longer. Thomas Jefferson once said, “Every generation needs a new revolution.” It is time to live up to this. A Conservative-Libertarian Revolution is eminant if we are to regain the liberties gradually transferred to false cases of safety, the environment, and “rights”, which are uneccessary and interfering with our unalienable rights.

A strong capitalist nation is built on liberty: the ability to start a business, run a business, work, produce, and earn money as you wish. Our society must value private property and self-responsibility.

Many will oppose this movement, see it as radical and stubbornly dismiss it without consideration; however it is necessary to end tyrrany. This revolution will be armed if necessary. This revolution will abolish our current government and replace it with a new and righteous one.

The time is now. We cannot wait two or four years. Both parties are primarily liberal or progressive. It is these very forces that have brought us to this point. They are in power. To allow government to take its course would not be responsible.

It is for our sake and posterity’s sake that we take action.

Locally, we must vote in both primary and general elections. We must research candidates and pull our friends and family to vote for liberty and against tyrrany. Further, we must mail our congressmen and senators to represent us in the way that they vote.

If we cannot fix our country by election, then we will fix it by force. The will of the majority is not always what’s best for the whole.

We will stand together and grow in power. I will keep you updated.