Posts Tagged ‘debt’

Obama’s Approval Rating Rather Stagnant

May 12, 2009

Contrary to popular belief, Obama’s approval rating has not fallen much.

According to Real Clear Politics (1), Obama’s approval rating has only fallen from 63.3% on January 27th to 62.2% today.

Perhaps people have became apathetic. Sinse the election, most of the Obama supporters have not changed their minds. However, from the same dates used earlier, his disapproval rating has increase by over 50% (from 20% to 30.4%). Despite this, Obama’s approval rating has not changed. It was only below 60% for one day (March 4th).

We can make several inferences from this data. First, we can conclude that many of the people who had been open to Obama’s policies changed their mind. Second, we can conclude that most of Obama’s supporters are either apathetic towards government and politics or strong followers of his ideology. Finally, we can conclude that the press that most of this majority receives is still proudly endorsing Obama.

These statistics, if nothing else, show that people like to just close their eyes and pretend nothing is happening, even though they’ve been set up for hyperinflation and an evegrowing debt.


“Atlas Shrugged”

April 15, 2009

I attended a local teaparty, one of apparently thousands across the United States. The newspaper estimated that 500 people would attend our protest; 5,000 people attended.

The atmosphere was wonderful. People all around me, all frustrated at the continuous growth of government and the direct and indirect taxation of our people. They were frustrated at the growth of the public debt. They were frustrated with government waste.

Kevin Brady, our congressman, spoke at our teaparty. He told us  of the greatness of lowering taxes and of limited government. Ironically, he had voted for TARP last year. Many of us were yelling at him, “Why’d you vote for TARP?”, or “Why’d you vote for the bailouts?” Justice was served, and our voice was heard.

As this ripples throughout the country, we shall see what effect this will have in the long run. Many networks have given this protest little or no time, even though it is the largest single-day protest in the history of the United States. CNN and MSNBC in particular have shown bias with their apathy towards these protests. FNC, on the other hand, had featured this nationwide protest.

TOverall, the teaparties were a necessary step in the direction of revolution, or atleast the change we need.

Andrew Jackson

March 15, 2009
Part 1 of a new series identifying those responsible for the corruption of the constitution and capitalism.

Andrew Jackson was the 7th President of the United States, the first Democrat to be president, and an established racist.

His Crimes

Andrew Jackson did many great things to our country, including reducing the federal debt to $33,733.05 (what happened?).

However, he also defeated many of the founding principles. First, he lessened state sovereignty, and destroyed the state’s rights that had existed from the start. Second, he set signed the Indian Removal Act. Third, he increased the power of the president.

Outrageously high taxes and an authoritarian north may have lead to the Civil War. Jackson decided that states could not nullify acts of national congress and that they could not secede at will. The north would then use this to bully the south into high tariffs (making the southern farmers poorer and the northern manufacturers richer) and would create the very sectionalism that started the Civil War.

Jackson also forced the American Indians into reservations. Though many of these Indians were adapting to Western Life, Jackson felt it necessary to move them. The driving forces behind this were settlers who didn’t believe that they could live with the American Indians. Jackson pandered to these settlers, and the Indians were brutalized.

The Supreme Court ruled the Indian Removal Acts unconstitutional and in violation of the treaties already in place, but President Jackson believed that the president did not have to abide by the laws and ignored the Supreme Court’s decision. By doing this, he made the president’s powers stronger.

Next in the series: Harriet Beecher Stowe

Remaking Society

February 26, 2009

As we go further into debt, I have a new solution:

The government could just print out money and mail it to people’s houses using government mail. Then the people could use that money at a government supervised store to buy everything they need!

Everyone wins: the shops get money, the manufacturers get money, and the little guy gets money and lives to tell the tale. And the best part is, NO WORK! What a wonderful idea!

But wait a minute. This is a terrible idea! Printed money has no value, and the more money in circulation, the less its value.

Government is the only thing responsible for inflation. Failing to spend less than budgeted, the governent prints money and throws it into the system in packages it believes are stimulus. On the contrary, the government is raising the price of everything and lessening the value of the dollars in the hands of taxpayers and even in the hands of government.

This alone wil negate any possible positive effects any money printed, whether they call it stimulus or something else.

And where is this empty money going again? Well, not even your congressmen know.


February 21, 2009

Nadya Suleman- Living out her childhood dreams: with 14 children.

She’s unemployed, and already more than $50,000 in debt. She isn’t married, and has no way to support her children. Some of these children have special needs. This is a disgrace. Utterly irresponsible. But not to some people.

Many people are sending her supplies she’ll need to support her new octuplets, which were artificially implanted. Why? She has brought this on herself and she expects society to support her? But unfortunately, we have to cooperate.

The government welfare system and unemployment benefits will allow this woman to never work a day in her life. She also recieves an unethical amount of food stamps and other government subsidies.

So, we must always remember that there are people out there that are voluntary unemployed mothers of too many that do not deserve welfare. Welfare by the government is often unjustly given. The proper alternative would be voluntary charitable giving: to only those whom you believe are actually in need.

If Nadya Suleman gets away with this, more people will do the same.

A Call to Revolution

February 11, 2009

The last revolution happened over two hundred years ago. A government was set up with a weak central government that recieved all of its income from tariffs. There was no income tax. There were no regulations.

Throughout the years since then, our nation has expanded the purpose of government, indebted us privately and publicly, and instituted regulations on the liberty of our citizens.

Year after year, we have put up with this, but no longer. Thomas Jefferson once said, “Every generation needs a new revolution.” It is time to live up to this. A Conservative-Libertarian Revolution is eminant if we are to regain the liberties gradually transferred to false cases of safety, the environment, and “rights”, which are uneccessary and interfering with our unalienable rights.

A strong capitalist nation is built on liberty: the ability to start a business, run a business, work, produce, and earn money as you wish. Our society must value private property and self-responsibility.

Many will oppose this movement, see it as radical and stubbornly dismiss it without consideration; however it is necessary to end tyrrany. This revolution will be armed if necessary. This revolution will abolish our current government and replace it with a new and righteous one.

The time is now. We cannot wait two or four years. Both parties are primarily liberal or progressive. It is these very forces that have brought us to this point. They are in power. To allow government to take its course would not be responsible.

It is for our sake and posterity’s sake that we take action.

Locally, we must vote in both primary and general elections. We must research candidates and pull our friends and family to vote for liberty and against tyrrany. Further, we must mail our congressmen and senators to represent us in the way that they vote.

If we cannot fix our country by election, then we will fix it by force. The will of the majority is not always what’s best for the whole.

We will stand together and grow in power. I will keep you updated.