Posts Tagged ‘conservative’

My Proposal to the Teaparty Movement: A “Salt March”

July 14, 2009

The original Salt March was the nonviolent movement of Gandhi and his followers across India to protest a salt tax. It drew attention to the Indian Independence movement from media across the globe.

Currently, the teaparty movement has been relatively small and overly ignored. It is primarily a conservative protest against the government economic expansion earlier this year. The July 4th teaparties were primarily uniting opposition against potential tyranny that has been proposed by Congress.

If significant political unrest occurs, it will become possible for this Teaparty movement to organize a nonviolent “Salt March”. Such a march would begin at multiple urban areas across the nation and then proceed as these groups march to the capital. Of course, as these groups get closer to the capital, they’d merge. Such a march would attract significant media attention that the Teaparty movement badly needs and will climax in a Washington with a crowd possibly larger than that of the Civil Rights March on Washington in the 1960s.

However, nothing has really happened to create significant unrest in a while. Cap and Trade hasn’t passed yet, and Universal Healthcare hasn’t passed either. Still, several events may cause such unrest:

  • The banning of handguns

While the Obama Administration has shown no sign of actually banning firearms, such an act, or even such a proposal will allow for the organization of a Salt March.

  • Cap and Trade

If Cap and Trade increases prices enough, then as with the original Boston Teaparty and the orginal Salt March, individuals would be more willing to protest. Seeing as how nuclear energy is currently the only major alternative to fossil fuels, Cap and Trade will certainly have a massive effect on energy prices and will possibly cause prices to increase to a level that people are willing to protest against.

  • Universal Healthcare

While this may just get passed and be ignoredby the apathetic majority, it may cause significant backlash. Many Americans are rather afraid of National Healthcare, and it could be that such a thing could unite the conservative-libertarian movement enough for a Salt March to be possible.

There are probably other events that could make a Salt March an event with an impressive attendence, but this is clear: people will not get off of their butts unless they realize that they are sitting on a thorn.

A Call to Revolution

February 11, 2009

The last revolution happened over two hundred years ago. A government was set up with a weak central government that recieved all of its income from tariffs. There was no income tax. There were no regulations.

Throughout the years since then, our nation has expanded the purpose of government, indebted us privately and publicly, and instituted regulations on the liberty of our citizens.

Year after year, we have put up with this, but no longer. Thomas Jefferson once said, “Every generation needs a new revolution.” It is time to live up to this. A Conservative-Libertarian Revolution is eminant if we are to regain the liberties gradually transferred to false cases of safety, the environment, and “rights”, which are uneccessary and interfering with our unalienable rights.

A strong capitalist nation is built on liberty: the ability to start a business, run a business, work, produce, and earn money as you wish. Our society must value private property and self-responsibility.

Many will oppose this movement, see it as radical and stubbornly dismiss it without consideration; however it is necessary to end tyrrany. This revolution will be armed if necessary. This revolution will abolish our current government and replace it with a new and righteous one.

The time is now. We cannot wait two or four years. Both parties are primarily liberal or progressive. It is these very forces that have brought us to this point. They are in power. To allow government to take its course would not be responsible.

It is for our sake and posterity’s sake that we take action.

Locally, we must vote in both primary and general elections. We must research candidates and pull our friends and family to vote for liberty and against tyrrany. Further, we must mail our congressmen and senators to represent us in the way that they vote.

If we cannot fix our country by election, then we will fix it by force. The will of the majority is not always what’s best for the whole.

We will stand together and grow in power. I will keep you updated.

The Economic Recession and Liberalism

December 24, 2008


While others may blame Bush for this recession, I will take the time to analyze the many factors causing this recession.

Gas Prices

Gas prices surged in the middle of the 2000-2009 decade. The increase in the price of oil increases the price of everything, as oil moves things from place to place. The fault of the rising prices goes to OPEC. The United States never joined OPEC and therefore has no say in it. To make a larger profit, these countries increased the price of oil exports. Local oil companies didn’t have the resources to compete in production, and were forced to buy this foreign oil at a high price.

In countries that don’t allow any drilling on their soil, such as England, people pay more than twice what the United States pays. Further, in countries such as Saudi Arabia, gasoline is sold for about a quarter a gallon. Ladies and gentlemen, there is an easy observation to make: countries that drill more and import less from OPEC have lower gas prices.

So, this first factor can be contributed to liberalism and the green movement, which continually attack oil production. There is no solution to dependence on oil; wind will never power a car (picture a car pulled by a sail) and the sun will never power a vehicle (the solar powered cars cost millions of dollars and can only travel about fifty miles per hour). Cars will never run on batteries or any form of electricity either. Battery powered cars are expensive as well, and most of their energy is wasted trying to move the battery portion of the car’s weight.

The Internet Boom

The second factor in this recession is the boom-bust cycle. The internet boom of the nineties and early 2000s was naturally followed by a bust. Though this boom has traditionally been linked to liberal policies, do not be fooled. The invention of the internet created a large boom as a new way to advertise, communicate, and gain information rose. A bust naturally followed.

Economic Panic

The third factor in this recession is the press. Yes, when people hear that the economy is turning down, they save their money and spend less. Yes, a panic like this lead to many recessions and depressions. The Great Depression began when the stocks (which had always only gone up steeply) began to turn down. The following panic resulted in people selling their stock. Naturally, stock prices fall. More people freak out and sell, etc.

Even before the stock exchange, there were panics. Freaking about the possibly of a large inflation problem, many people ran to cash their money in for gold, as allowed back then. There wasn’t enough gold to do this. This became the Panic of 1893.

So, the fear of a recession often leads to a greater one. The media spewing this around will lead to another depression, and, like the last depression, a whole new set of socialist programs.